- I like that we got to use a computer all the time unlike other schools out there
- I didn't really like some of the quotes we were given to write about
- Make it less boring it can go slow sometimes and people get sleepy
- When we were given some free time and seeing some of the videos
- Yes I did at the start of the school year I didn't but know at the end looking back I was doing all I could to pass
- Yes I read it all the time welp when I can that is
- To a point like I said before to me there is no right and wrong its what we think is right and wrong to us
- I really don't know
- I will always remember the videos that we were shown in this class also the quotes we were also shown here
Were all mad here

Friday, June 10, 2016
"You will go far with CTR"
This is true I mean if we do the right thing we will go far in life and we also may have are dreams come true. But right from wrong is always a problem because there truly is no right from wrong it's all point of view but passing that this quote tells the truth. If we want to go far in life then we have to do the right things in life but it's up to us to find out what is right and what is wrong. Going far in life is hard and we might have problems on the way and have things we can't fix but all you have to do is just do what you think is best and make sure you think is out because sometimes what we think is right at the time can be very wrong later. So that's all I have to say about this quote its up to us to find out what really is right and wrong and not what others think is right and wrong.
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
"Of all the choices you will ever make, one choice supersedes all other-the ultimate choice, This one choice will help you to always make correct decisions for the remainder of your like. This one choice, The Ultimate Choice, is your keystone for bring the best student and person you can possibly be. This one choice will forever affect you for good more than any other choice.
-Mr. Haymore

Friday, June 3, 2016
Beautiful Character
If there is beauty in character,
there will be harmony in the home
there will be order in the nation
if there's order in the nation
there will be peace in the world
If there is beauty in character,
there will be peace in the world
-Chinese Proverd

Wednesday, June 1, 2016
"I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating"
This quote sends out a good massage but theirs one problem that I see. Some people care more about there honor then failing so they don't care if they cheat or it could go the other way around not caring about there honor and cheat. Ever quote out there has one problems with it and its up to the person who is reading to see it or not. Getting back on topic must people don't care about honor these days they carer about winning and getting the prize no matter what they have to do to get it. There are not that many people who care about honor but those who do are people who still care about these around them. People like that are really hard to come by and if I ever meet someone like that Id like to make friends with them going back to the point not many people care these days so that's what I think about this quote.
Discovery of Gene Mutation that cause progressive MS
In what I read it talks about the a gene mutation that help the Doctors identifies a lick to the starts of Multiple sclerosis. This disease affect around 2.3 million people around the world. This brake through could help more Dr diagnosis M.S earlier. This is good because even thought there is no cure on M.S they would know how to help someone feel better and take action faster. Most people get it around the years 45 to 54 but people under 18 can also get to but there is only .30% that that might happened. With this information there would be more help for those who show the sings and this is just one more step on finding the cure to M.S and help those who are in pain and have this.
Friday, May 27, 2016
Memorial day is a day where we remember those who died while in the armed forces.
2.When is it?
Memorial day is on the last Monday in May
3.What are some ways we can honor them?
Many people visit cemeteries and put little american flags on the grave of those who passed.
Many people visit cemeteries and put little american flags on the grave of those who passed.
4. It also marks the starts the season of summer vacation and having Labor day marks the end of it. Only the U.S.A has this holiday but other places have something kind of like this but call it something else.
5. Some places have air shows in honor of the ones who have fallen and like I said before they also put little flags on there grave.
7. What I think about this day is well its good to honor the fallen but what I really don't like about it is how shops take it. They have sales for this day and many other things that are just no OK. There are always sales and when I hear about this day I always hear people saying oh theirs going to be a sales here and here and I just hate that why do sales on a day we should be honoring and remembering these people who have died to keep us safe it just get me really really mad. Other then that I like this day.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
- Telling the truth lets everyone know what really happened. There's less chance if misunderstanding,confusion, or conflict.
- Telling the truth protects innocent people from being blamed and punished.
- Telling the truth allows everyone to learn from what happened.
- You usually get into less trouble for telling the truth other than for lying(and getting caught)
- Other people trust you more when you tell the truth
- You don't have to tell(and remember) more lies to keep your story straight.
You gain a reputation for being truthful-a trait most people value
- Telling the truth helps you to feel secure and peaceful inside.
- Barbara A. Lewis
What Barbara is saying is true but it is also wrong in other people eyes what I mean is when you tell the truth as a little kid you are hated on by other kids also when you tell the truth as a teen you are not only hated on but other things can happend as well for example having something taken away from you or losing a friend. Things like that stop people from talking yes it's not always bad to lie but people do it anyways because they think that it will end up better for them that way. So this quote has some pros and cons to it but every quote has it because well everything has its pros and cons to it.
Yoga Therapist
Duties and Responsibilities
- Use yoga to help people with physical and emotional issues
- Can also be used for a specific health problem
- Also help people with emotional issues
Salary- $73.55 depending on the sessions
- Must be a qualified yoga teacher
- Take a course in yoga therapy
- Once qualified must register with CNHC
Monday, May 23, 2016
"If I've got correct goals, and if I keep pursuing them the best way I know how, everything else falls into line. If I do the right thing right, I'm going to succeed"
- Dan Dierdorf
I really don't like quotes like these don't get me wrong its giving us a good message but what gets me mad is that its telling you that when you do something "nice" or "right" to others your going to get something out of it but you don't in real life being nice is just being nice there is no good thing your going to get out of it. Yes sometimes people get something back because of what they did but not all the time. This has nothing to do with the quote I know but it says "right thing" there is no right and wrong in the world theirs just point of views what i see wrong others see right even the law has its ups and downs with this. What am trying to say is that "correct goal" is whatever we want it to be no matter what others say we could do what ever we want so this quote to me is just stupid
Wellness Specialist
Duties and Responsibilities
- Create exercise plans designed to improve health for people.
- Mostly help people who are in high risk for heart, metabolic or lung disease
- Help people become more healthy then they are then
Salary- $41,372
- If you have a college degree it can help you get a higher job
- High school diploma needed
- Associate or bachelors degree for advancement
No I wouldn't want to work for this because I my self am really bad at keeping my self healthy so if I cant keep my self healthy how could I do that for other people
Thursday, May 19, 2016
"The most important thing you will ever have is good values"
-Dennis Parger
I really don't get this I know its talking about the most important thing is but is that really the most important thing you will every have I mean come on no that's not the most important thing you will every have. I can say that the most important thing is one thing and other will say no its this so I don't think this is right I don't care about good values and I can tell you know that most people don't care eather why would they. People today (well most) don't care about what others have to say about them some don't even care about what they have to give them because who cares on what people have two say. Anyways I many have gotten off topic (maybe because am really sleepy) but that's what I think about this quote
Duties and Responsibilities
- Treat illness and injuries in a animal
- Can specialize in medicine like surgery, and/or group of animals
- May take research in areas like biomedical science
- They often put them self up for emergency situations
- Bachelors Degree
- Earn Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
- Become Licensed
- Learn from Experience
- Become Certified in a Specialty
- Join a professional association
In the pass I did want to be one but I don't like that idea anymore I feel like tech is taking over and soon there would be no need for jobs like this.
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
"The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon self-respect, dignity, integrity and self-esteem."
-Dr. Laura Schlessinger
This quote has a good meaning and giving us good reason why we should be kind to people because we get something good out of it well I got to say that that's not true well most of the time that is. What i mean is well just because you do something “kind” or “good” to someone doesn't mean you will get something out of it. People all over the world do good and kind things and they never get things out of it sometimes they don't even get a good feeling out of it and not only that but this quote also stands for doing bad things. What i mean is if you do something for yourself and are being selfish you get something out of it you get what you wanted and you also feel good about it because you got what you wanted. Like i said before it's up to the person point of view in what's wrong and what's right. People do what they want to do and even though it's “bad:” to others eyes they don't care as long as they get something out of it that is or sometime just because they want to do. So to my eyes this quote is wrong because even if you do something bad in life you can still get good out of it even if it is wrong to others. I'm not saying to do what you want i'm just saying that just because you're nice and good to people not just think oh am going to get something back if i do is.
Friday, May 13, 2016
- Work Hard
- Follow your passions. Do things you are interested in doing
- Don't chase after money
- Serve other. Do good things for others, and good things come to you - Phillip Rigg
I think what this guy is trying to tell us is good and i would follow this because it tells us to go for are dreams and that's what I like to hear. Most people these days tell us to do other things and make are hopes and dreams die because they want us to see the world for what it is but this quote tells is to follow what we want to believe in and do that. People should be a little more like Phillip when it comes to kids is dreams because these days people just kill or throw down kids dreams. Yes I know that's sometimes following your dreams is not the best thing to do and are drams can get us hurt but just because that can happened doesn't mean we shouldnt try right?
World Records
Most children delivered at a single birth to survive
This is something that makes me go wow because one she must have been in lots a pain that the time and she knew she could have died and she still wanted them and two still having to live with all of the kids wow that some mother.
Most fingers and toes - living person
Oldest living man
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
"You knew what I was when you picked me up"
Now the video we just saw is what I was talking about. We all think different and like the guy in the video he did what others think was wrong but what he thought to be the right thing at the time. Yes he got bite but he thought hey this snake won't bite me so let me take it down this hill so it wont be cold and hunger. He was doing what he thought was right and I may have done that to if i was told to help a poor animal even if it is a snake. We don't all the same and this video shows us how other think differ then what we think. We cant all think the same its just not possible for all of us to be able to we all see things differently and we can't do anything about it.
"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing"
-Theodore Roosevelt
-Theodore Roosevelt

Online comic writer
Duties and Responsibilities
- Come up with a story
- Lay out your idea then write it
- Must tell a story visually and use little words
- Can take online class but not need
- Learn from mistakes
I've always love the idea of writing books and making new world become real by doing so but I've never been good with words and drawing is something else id love to do so comic books are something that I could do.
Monday, May 9, 2016
"Nothing is ever gained in doing whats wrong"
-Wilford Woodruff


Thursday, May 5, 2016
"Its A GREAT MOMENTS when someone has character to step up and do the right at the right time"
-Pam Knox
What this quote says is true to a point. Telling the truth as the time doesn't help you on making it a better moments because lets says is a bad truth that wont make a good moments even better it would kill the moment. But this doesn't all ways go that way sometimes it does others it doesn't. Anyways besides that went people do the right thing it makes things better well like i said depending on the moment. If more people told the truth then things would get better and maybe we could live a little bit better I don't know am just trying to give an example of this quote i really don't get it that much if i have to tell the truth
Speech Pathologist
Duties and Responsibilities
- Treat people with communication disorder
- Give them the ability to speak clearly
- Help them talk fluently
Salary-$71,550 2012-2022
- Master degree
- Doctoral degree
- Pass Educational Programs
- Licensure and Rectification Requirements
No I do not think I will be able to work as one because I my self have problems talking and I don't think i would be much help,
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
This quote means that giving your word to someone will have you seen as a good person and people will trust you more well that's how I see it. People these days don't really keep there word and lie a lot and we cant really put are trust in people that much anymore unless there those people who keep there word all the time but many people these days don't. Anyways what this quote tells us is that are word should mean something and not just lies we should keep it and not lie every time. That's what i think this quote is trying to tell us.
Medical Scientist
Duties and Responsibilities
- Discover new methods of enhancing human health
- To come up with new treatment options
- They perform research on specimens such as bacteria and viruses
- They also run a clinical trial
- Ph.D D in Biological Sciences
- Some people choose to get a Medical degree
- Must finish seven years of medical schooling
- Must have the ability to effectively communicate with writing and speech

I don't see my self doing this because well for one theirs so much school to be done and well am not really planing to do anything like this at all i just don't like it that much to work for it.
Friday, April 29, 2016
The 10 Indian Commandments
These Commandments are something I really like not only are they all really good things to follow but they are also showing people that are not apart of the Indians what people should really be following. Life today is something else then to back then when all you had to do was hunt to get food and stay safe this right here shows us how Indians lived in peace with the world and respected it for what it is. People today are all about money and having the best and "cool" things not only that but we are also killing the world with everything new we make. I wish that more people could be like Indians because they love and try to keep the world safe unlike us now a days. Even Indians today still do this because they know its the right thing to do.Indians have been through a lot not only having there land taken away from us "white people'' to having there people taken away as well and up in to slavery yet they still choose to live in peace with us and follow there rules why because they forgive us and that some people.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Perform therapeutic massage techniques to stimulate pressure points in patients hands and feet
- Some work with ear and others work with feet usually using their fingers and thumbs
- Self-employed or business-owning
Salary- $40,000
- Must at least have 110 hours of study in reflexology
- Must at least spend 10 hours working directly with patients in a clinical setting
- Attend certificate or associate degree programs
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
"A promise must never be broken"
-Alexander Hamilton

Registered Nurse (RN)
Duties and Responsibilities
- Administering treatments
- Observing patients
- Keeping medical records updated
Salary- $69,790 (2014)
- Associates degree/certificate
- Nursing/legal nurse consulting
- Must have a license
- Skills need Ex: research skills, detail-oriented, ability to analyze cares
I do not see my self doing this because i don't work good when to comes to emergency i world crack and make bad chooses and mess up
Monday, April 25, 2016
"Goodness is the only investment that never fails"
-Henry David Thoreau

Recreation Therapist
Duties and Responsibilities
- Assess patient needs
- Personal observation
- Talk with patient and his or her loved ones
- Can document patients progress during their activities
- Bachelors degree in therapeutic recreation
- Pass a program
Thursday, April 21, 2016
“My basic principle is that you don't make decisions because they are easy;you don't make them because they are cheap;you don't make them because they're popular; you make them because they're right”
-Theodore Hesburgh
I think this is a good quote because what is says is true even though point of view matters here for the right or wrong thing but still I like this quote.I like it because it reminds me of another quote from one of my favorite books which was “The easy way and the right way are never the same”. The reason why I think these two quotes reminds me of each other is because they're both talking about the same thing that what you choose is always a hard one. That's what i think anyways
Military Medical Career Pathways
Navy Nurse
Duties and Responsibilities
- High school diploma
- Attend Officer Development School (ODS)
- Nursing school
I Wouldn't like to be one because I don't see my self doing what these people do going in to war and could die to help the sick and hurt i cant think of my self doing that.
Friday, April 15, 2016
"I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with hi, when he goes wrong"
-Abraham Lincoln

Online Comic Artist
Duties and Responsibilities
- Must come up with a story line
- Be really good in their art skills
- Have to work really REALLY hard
- Can but doesn't have to par up with someone to help them with the story line
- Take art class and get a degree in art
- Can go to art school to get better in their art skills but doesn't have to
- Must gain experience from some where
Salary- $43,890
Being a online comic writer takes skill and patient. Sometimes it can be easy but sometimes its really hard and stressful the reason i say this is because sometimes we can get art block which is when people don't know what to draw. Not only that but doing is doesn't pay very well unless your comic hits off the point is its really hard and you have to put in so much of your times in to it.
Wednesday, April 13, 2016
"Character is higher than intellect"
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
This is true but is can also be well taken many ways. What i mean is character is something we cant really change what mean by that is well we all have different characters and we all have different points of views so even if we do have it "higher than intellect" some people wont like it because again point of view matter here we cant always have people like is or love us all the time because we all; have the right to think different. Yes i know there are those people out there that are "loved by all" but I can tell you know some people out there hate them or dislike them for some reason and that's OK we all don't have to like them. This quote is good but like i said before and will as again we all have a right to think different.
Mental Health Counselor
Duties and Responsibilities
- Trained in the use of various therapies to assist clients
- Help people with long term mental and emotional issues, as well as isolated issues
- Career is best for individuals who are emotionally stable
Salary- $43,700
- Master degree
- State licensing
- Pass a program
- Can have a bachelors degree
I would not like to work as one because i don't really see my self working as someone who sits and hears about someone who has problems
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