Were all mad here

Were all mad here

Monday, November 30, 2015

"Kindness is the essence of greatness."
-Joseph B Wirthlin

 What this is trying to say is to be kind shows that your a great person and you have greatness in you. Now what I think is yes you need to be kind to people know how you make friend but being to kind end up making you get stepped on all over. Am not saying don't be kind to people no yes be kind to people make new friends and all that but don't get to the point were your getting stepped on because of your kindness never be to kind because you might get hurt of it. Being kind can come out good to like lets say your out one day and your kind to some one like you give some homeless person who needs it or may not need it that money can go a long way how? Well lets just say that homeless person use it for something good like food or to try to get a job because of you that homeless may not be homeless ever again. I know i went over board with that but still you never know what might happens if you are kind. If your kind you may make someone smile and make there day. Being kind is a good think and like the saying goes "To much of a good thing can be bad". Dont be to kind and never be mean just be some were in the middle  

 Thanksgiving Week 

What I did this whole week was go to my dads home. I really don't like going over there because theirs nothing to do and theirs nothing to eat and am not even joking anyways on Monday I was just waiting for my favorite shows new ep to go on the air and it started at 5:00 pm so i seeped most of the day. The next day i was just playing my wii for the whole day i was playing Just dance. On Wednesday I was kind of crying for the whole day because i wanted to go home and leave that place. The day on Thanksgiving i was so happy because i wanted to see my family but.... no one showed up i spend the whole day seeing T.V while my mom was on the phone and my dads was sleeping like always. Friday was a bit better but not that much i just played wii for a bit and we went out and that was it we were going to leave back home that night but my mom didn't want to so we stayed for one more day. The next day I was seeing movies on my wii with one of my sisters who showed up and i seeped on the small sofa because my dad didn't work and theirs no where to sleep but there or a closet. So that was my whole week and i knew i was going to be like that.        

Thursday, November 19, 2015

"If it is not right,do not do it;if it us not true,do not say it."-Marcus Aurelius

What is is saying is if its a lie then don't say it if its wrong don't do it. I again see this being a well not a good example to use this quote.Why you may ask well let me give you an example my self lets say your one day walking down some rode and then you see a fight of some sort. I don't know if your brave to go in there but for now lets just say you are and try to stop this fight and you end up having to hit one of the guys down or something really bad. People will see this as bad but for you you stopped a fight and maybe safe someones life. This can also go for many other problems to but this quote is not that bad because it does work for some problems like with your friends you should never lie to your friends yah maybe a little white lie from her and there but other then that you shouldn't tell a big lie to a friend. What am trying to say is a LIE IS A LIE no matter what. So do whats right and say whats right for your problem that is. Remember little white lies are not always OK but from time to time its OK. 

The first Thanksgiving was on 1621 the reason was that the Pilgrims were celebrating there harvest and survival from a long winter. Back then the first people who landed on the new world keeped dying they didn't have things like houses food or water they need to make that before winter came by the time they had houses up most of the people that came with them had died. So this is why the Pilgrims were celebrating Thanksgiving they had lived through the winter for the first time with not that many deaths. Later in the years Thanksgiving became a Holiday for lots of people to celebrate with all there family. Not all of us celebrate this day people from the U.K don't celebrate this day for some reason maybe because is appended over here in the new world. One thing am thankful for is for having all i need in life. Another thing is be able to get my grades up. Another is getting to see all and i mean ALL of my family and that's a lot of people and that's it am happy for nothing alse.          

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

"Doing whats is right,fair and honorable is more important than winning or losing" 
-Chick Moorman

What this is trying to say is win or loss its still better to be fair or right then to be a bad player or person. Now if you still don't get it ill give you an example. Let say your out in or store or something you see one of your old time friend or some random person no no ones around but you and your about to say hi when you see them take something from the self and hide it in there hoodie or shirt . Now the right thing to do is tell someone before they leave the store but would you? I for one don't think this quote makes a good example because lets say your for some reason taken to a unknown place with a good old friend you would do anything for. Your blacked out and wake up seeing your best friend tied down and a man asked you pick your like or his. Now your probably never going to have this happen to you but just think you may say oh ill pick my friends life now or maybe no but if you were really there and that man really asked you yous or theirs what would you pick the "right" thing and pick theres ot safe yours? Now i know i went a little over bored with my example but still something as little as telling the truth to someone can makes you loss a friendship yes you did the fair or right think but still would you want to loss you friendship just for that or not?  

Duties and Responsibilities
  •   Collect medical histories and in addition to basic administrative 
  • Diagnostic procedures like condition of tissues and to detect cancer
  • Give treatment options like radiation therapy surgical removal of cancer and many other things 
Salary- $217,856 in 2014

    • Doctor of medicine degree
    • fulfill state license requirements complete requirements training programs
    • Must complete 8 years of undergraduate

Friday, November 13, 2015

Have the courage to say no 
Have the courage to face the truth
Do the right thing because it is right 
'These are the 3 magic keys to living your life with integrity"

What this is trying to say is if you follow these steps then you will have a good life or seen as a good person. Doing this will have you be seen as truthful person and lots of people will ask you for help or be kind to you and let you borrow things because they will know that you will give there things back. If you are seen as someone who should not be trusted then many people will not lets you bower things for they will think they won't get it back. Also step 2 is to have the courage to face the truth what does it mean by that will it means if you lied and or are hiding a lie that you need to tell someone because its a bad lie then tell a person who is right for that lie. The last step do the right because its is right what this means is just don't lie to someone. Lying lots of the times is bad because people will never think you're telling the truth and will always think you're lying so don't . If you do all these things all the time you will always be seen as a integrity person. Its better to be seen as a integrity person then to be seen as a lying one. So choose what you want to be seen like. Pick the right one or you might have a bad life. 
An Animator is someone who works with computers. If you don’t know what an animation is then have you seen Toy Story? Toy Story is the first ever Animated move to be made most people never thought this could happened but it did. Animators don’t just make moves they can make cartoons, Anmies or online shows which is mostly like cartoons and they also play a part in video games a big part.   
Duties and Responsibilities-
·       Design things for websites
·       They can recreate crime scenes for the court
·       They can make simulations for medical or military people
·       They can also help building or model homes by showing what they look like

Salary- $77,146

·       Bachelor’s degree
·       6% between 2012 and 2022 (for all multimedia artists and animators)
·       $64,470 annually


Tuesday, November 10, 2015

                                  Veterans Day       
1.     Veterans day is a day were we honor the war heroes that helped keep U.S.A the way it is today. We honor the ones who made it back from the war by many ways we salute them or thank them but we don’t just honor the soldiers who made it back home we also honor the soldiers who died keeping are nation safe.
2.     Veterans day is on the 11th or November 10
3.     The purpose of Veterans days is to show the soldiers how much we care for what they did. These veterans leave there family’s to go in to war and some don’t make it ball but those who do they are still a long time away from home some misses their children’s births days or others things they go through many of these things so the best we can do is try to make them feel thanks
4.     It’s important to honor the Veterans because they have seen things other would not want to see they put their life on the line for us and some soldiers come back without an arm or leg or there lower haft. They keep are nation safe so in pay back we should show them how much we care for what we did
5.      One way we can show honor to these soldiers is by salute them telling thanks or many other think.       

7.     We should all keep in mind that are freedom is that really free for people are dying to keep us safe and free from laws that are not right. We are at war as I type this and we might never end the war but we can do what we can to help those who come back from the war and make them feel back at home  

8.     Veterans day is a day we get off of wore and school but did we do anything to help stop a war no then why are we off from work or school why do we get a day off if we did nothing. Yes I know this day is for those who died or almost died trying to keep us safe but I find is well dome that kids and grownups get a day for if we did nothing to help. Did you put your life on the line no did you go in to war and loosed an arm or a leg no then why do you have a day off. What am trying to say is were making this day seem like a day off when we really should be honoring those who died and still life for this nation.  

Friday, November 6, 2015

"He that walkth with wise men shall be wise:but a companion of fools shall be destroyed"
-Proverbs 13:20

What this is trying to say is by standing by people who do that right like doing home work not drinking under age and all that other stuff you can have a good life and not get in to any trouble also making your dreams come true. This is also saying that if you stand around with people who do things like killing others doing things like drugs or drinking then you can have a mess up like and end up in jail. I don't see how being send to jail or not getting to see the world is better then being able to do those things. Yes life is hard and it can be a pain sometimes but you got to do whats right even if it hurts like the saying goes "If you love something deeply you have to let it go for the best". I know because i let something go and yes i cried and it still hurts but i did it for the best for that person . You cant go on with life doing whats wrong for before you know it life will slap you in the face and make you pay for what you done. Doing the right is not so hard to like another saying goes "The easy thing and the right thing are never the same" and that person was right its never that same thing is a lie or the trues . Life will text you with things that are better life to let go the to keep so do that right thing or lie all your life its up to you. Just think it over.  

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

"The best recreation is to do good"
-William Penn 
What is means is to have fun is to do good. I don't see this as a good quote because one being good and having fun is sometimes rally hard why you ask well i always see my cousins playing but they always end up getting yelled at. So i find it very hard to have fun while being good. But am not saying you cant am just saying its hard you could be good while playing or having fun Most people do have fun while being good like my oldest brother he has fun at party with out drinking even tho he can drink he doesnt becuase he has to drive home. I always see him having fun and when they tell him if he wants to drink he says no and sits with me and we talk. Point is you can have fun being good but to me i don't see that much fun. Another reason why you can have fun while being good is when you so called friends give you beer to drink but you not that old to drink and you say no you can still have fun theres no need to drink. You wont have as much fun as the other but your being good. 

Monday, November 2, 2015

"Right is right,even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong,even if everyone is for it."
-William Penn 
What this means is that right thing will always be the right thing even if many people say is wrong it will always be right now i don't really agree with this quote there are meany things out there that people say is right but other say are wrong like for example Gay rights. Many people say its right but other say its wrong back then is was wrong to love people of the same sex you where seen as a well...... a nonhuman and hated. Many people said it was wrong and is quote says whats right is right so does that mean they where right? I think this quote doesn't make scene or that much scene i get whats its trying to say but many people can see it in many was so i don't really like this quote . Yes i get that its trying to say if people say its bad to smoke then its bad to smoke i get that but this quote can and will be seen in many different way. Now lets say you think something is right like for example saving your friend from a bad guy but you cant call the cops you have to do this alone so you take this in your hands and do what you have to so to save that person or friend. Let say the bad guy makes you kill then you will have to. People will think that's wrong and it is but your doing it to save your friend so to you its a must and its right. Now am not saying killing is ok but am saying it depends on the problem your in. Like if you have to kill to save the people you love then you will do what you have to do its wrong but you must. So like i said many times i really don't like this quote for many reasons. 

                                     Health Educator

Duties and Responsibilities
·       Supervising staff
·       Creating health-related material, such as posters and websites
·        Collecting data and other information to analyze needs and evaluate programs
·       Preparing reports for management and other stakeholders
Salary- $1,500 per year
·       Require bachelor’s degree
·       Sometimes need master’s degree