"Its better to be alone than to be in bad company"

What this is trying to say is if the people who you call friends don't do things friends should do to each other then there not really your friends. Now am on the to sides on this coin because I see why we should stay away from people like this who wants friends who hate you, hit you and or even call you things. That would not be real friendship but I understand why some people would take this. I my self have gotten in a fight with my old best friend but i haven't left my group of friends because i love them and they love me but there are those times were they leave me alone to do nothing but i say nothing because i don't want to be complete alone. I know some people who would rather be with friends who hate them then be complete alone. I know my friends don't hate me and i would never want to be complete alone. I know this quote says leave them and I my self would but people out there like me would not be able to stand to be alone so we find people and even if they hate us we stay with them. This quote talks about leave people who hate you and you should leave them if they hurt you in anyway leave go read a book or something try making friends anything just leave dont stay its not going to work out trust I know it.v
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