''Enthusiasm makes the difference''
-Dr. Norman Vincent peale

This quote makes I really dont like it i mean its go a good message but its sending a massage i really dont like. What i mean is well enthusiasm is the best thing you could ask for its not only makes you feels better it sometimes makes other feel better as well but then we have people who are depressed and these people dont choose to be like that its just something there body makes them feel because there not being able to make the thing they need to be happy. Yes i know hes not trying to say dont be sad be happy hes just saying that you should always be felled with Enthusiasm if you want to pass something. I may be over thinking this and I always over think these trust me but still. Anyways theirs still good in this quote because its true when he says to face a new challenge with Enthusiasm because better to face it like that then being mad or upset about it. Like I said this thing can be looked by both ways you can hate it because its telling you to be happy no matter what or you can like it because its telling you to be happy not matter what its up to how you see it because its you posit of view not mine.
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