"Act well your part; there all honor lies."
-Alexander Pope

When i read this what first comes to mind is what really is honor. Well when I think about it honor I think about the people i look up to or the people who are doing better in the world. So what doesn't t his quote mean to me well it means that if you do good in life your going to get looked up by people and loved to. I have many people i look up to and it would be such an honor ( even tho ill never meet them ;-;) to be able to talk to them and maybe a hug and why because they have done the right things to win me respected so i will feel like that. Now think about someone you want to meet anyone at all if you got to meet the, not only would you be happy but your going to feel honored to have been able to talk and again maybe hug them. So next time do good for someone because you'll never know if they will honor it.
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