Winter Break
What i did for my days off were just try to relax and sleep a lot. I know i could have spent it studying but i rather keep my head clear from school on your days off. The first week of break i went to see a movie with one of my friends then we eat pizza the days following that we just me watching the T.V show named House M.D all day long. On Christmas i went to someones house and eat all night long and we went home early because my day wanted to sleep which i hate because we never do fun when he wants to sleep the day after Christmas we were at my ants house opening Christmas presents I got some fnaf shirts one was glow in the dark which i loved my mom got me a new phone and that pretty much it but my friends got me a mlp doll which i loved to. The day following were just me on my phone waiting for new years and i didn't really do anything for new years just wait for midnight then got to sleep so i really didn't have a good time. That was pretty much all i didn't not the best but hey better then just being at home all day

doing nothing.
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