"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what you want most and see it often"- Peter Vidmar
What this means is you shouldn't give up on your life long dream for something that you want now. Lets say your life long dreams needs you to always work hard and study for it but you just want to be with your friends or sleep or maybe something more. What this quote is saying don't do that work hard now before its to late and it also says to write it down and put it somewhere you will see it everyday and remember why you work this hard. Peter did this and look where it got him he won a gold medal something hes always dream of. Yes it could be hard at times but better then letting go of you life long dream. I sometimes forget why i study so hard and i remind my self do you want to work as a video game dissinger or not and i keep going. So don't let your dreams be killed by something you do now and pay for later keep working hard and never give up when it seems like its over because its not just keep going. So keep on at it and when you get to the point where your dreams is not so far away work harder and when you at the point were your dreams has become real and people ask you how you got there tell them I never gave up and didn't let anything get in my way.