"Success is not an accent. Success is actually a choice. Are the habits you have today on par with the dreams you have of tomorrow'
- Alen Stein

What this mean is what you want out of life has to do what you do in life right now. If you have a dream in life and you really want that dream to be real then you have to take action and make the right path. If you just dream and take the wrong path then you dreams will be as real as a person who can fly. I have a dream and that dream is to leave the town am in and go see London England but to do that i need a good job and Ive made plans i just have to keep aiming at them and i might just get to see Big Ben one day. Now if you have a dream like this or maybe a bigger one or a small one then chose the right path and do what has to be done so you can make those dreams be real don't just dream or keep dreaming make then become real make the places you want to see real or you cant just six there and mess around now and never have your dreams become a real thing. All you have to do is choose the right path yes it will be hard at time and you may want to just give up but no one has ever made there dreams come true by giving up. If i where you id choose success and not give up i want my dreams coming true and i will make them come true ill have hard times but when i finally get to where i wanted to be ill look back and say i did what i had to do. If people ask me how i got there ill tell them I never gave up even in the hard times i keep going because i wanted to get to this point in my life so keep going didn't give up and always Choose Success.
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