"If your so called friends urge you to do anything you know is wrong you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow"
-Thomas S. Monson

What this means is if you know your friends are telling you to do wrong you should just stand up and say no. Lets say one day your out with your friends when one of them tells you hey lets go and smoke and before you have time to answer your other friend says yeah we should. Now you know its wrong to smoke under age and but seeing your friends do it makes you want to but don't look them in the eye and say no this is wrong if you want to smoke then fine but i will not kill my lungs just because you want to. Yes your friends might call you stupid or chicken for not wanting to do it but just know that you did the right think.Know it could get to a point were it gets even more bad they tell you to do something that could get you send to jail or even die. You know whats right even if they are your friends its your life not theirs so do what you want to do and do whats right. Yes it might be hard at times and you might at times want to give in and say yeah OK ill do what you want me to do because your my friends and what can happened. Lots can happens when you chooses the wrong path you could get sent to jail or even die do you really want to die? I don't want to die yet so id choose the right path and not the wrong one. Then again its your life not mine
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